PR book Online Readings in Public Relations   --   The cornerstone of the Practicing Public Relations website
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  © 1998; 2025 Michael Turney
 About the author Return to Practicing Public Relations homepage    

If you're a student, think of these articles as a supplement to your textbook and a chance to fill some of the gaps in classroom lectures.

If you're a public relations practitioner, think of them as a resource, refresher, or simply as the alternative point of view of another public relations practitioner who probably had different types of clients and experiences than you did.

I began writing them to supplement the texts I used when I taught public relations. They filled in gaps, clarified concepts, and sometimes explained just how textbook theories could be applied to current events. Although I'm now retired from teaching, I still occasionally add new readings and update older ones.

There's no charge for you to read, quote from, download, or print a copy for your own personal use. But, these readings are copyrighted; you may not legally or ethically post them online or make and distribute multiple copies without my permission.

However, I will be happy to give you permission to make and distribute copies for teaching purposes if you send me an email ...

  • telling me where and how you want to use use them,
  • promising to acknowledge my authorship on all copies,
  • and affirming you won't charge anyone for those copies.

Michael Turney, Ph.D., ABC       
Professor Emeritus of Communication &        
IABC Accredited Business Communicator        


Click on a general topic here or scroll further down to the list of titles.

Crisis communication

Ethics in public relations

Evolution of public relations

Government use of public relations

Key people in the history of public relations

Media relations

Origin and need for public relations

Public relations and marketing are not the same

Public relations planning

Public relations training

Recent trends in public relations

What is public relations?

Writing for public relations

Recent articles on the Practicing Public Relations homepage (3/11/2025):

The title says it all: "AI Activated."

Are "special events" really "pseudo-events?"


Perspective on public relations:
Its origin and social need

Evolution of public relations:
A century of maturing as a profession

Key people in the history of public relations

Ethics in public relations:
Professional standards for practitioners

Public relations planning:
Effective strategies are planned, not ad hoc

Media relations:
Use mass media to reach your key publics


What is public relations?:
Concepts of its role and functions

Public relations training:
Preparing to practice public relations

Writing for public relations

Public relations and marketing:
Using similar tools for different ends

Crisis communication:
Managing public relations in an emergency

Government public relations:
Critical concerns and limitations in the US

Recent trends and changing practices:
Public relations continues to adapt

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Michael Turney
Practicing Public Relations
Recent Reads
Commentary on other writing about public relations.
